The first topic that we discussed in class that "information is food." An interesting concept at first glance, but when you decode what this statement actually means, it begins to make sense. What is meant by information being food is that people consume information as such. The information that we consume can be deemed good or bad for us the way in which real food is determined. Aside from food, our class came up with different information analogies from money to bacteria. Primarily concerning the way in which information is processed, shared, saved, etc.
The next important concept that we discussed in class was the convergence of information and technologies. We determined that the different ways in which we come across information is now evolving into one entity where we have access to multiple sources of information. For example, television and social media have almost completely one entity. Many advertisements for television shows, commercials, or during specific television programs feature some notion to social media, whether it be a hashtag for Twitter or advising the view to like the page on Facebook. The smartphone is another great example, this device has gathered elements of a telephone, newspaper, letter, camera, notepad, and calendar all into one device. This allows the user to be expose to information at its command.
One of the last important concepts discussed was the information overload. The class determined that there is so much information available in somewhat of an overload. Luckily, with storage systems and the internet, the vast amount of information is able to be contained, store, and cataloged in these systems and accessible to the public. It is our job however, to regulate the amount of information we want to consume as well as what specific information.
Overall, the information around us is an interesting subject to study. It makes me more interested in the other subject we will be studying throughout the semester